Maksym Eduardovych Kovtun

Head of the DNIM department “Museum of the History of Local Self-Government of the Dnipropetrovsk Region”.
He has been working at the museum since November 2012. Candidate of historical sciences (2004). He graduated from the Faculty of History of Dnipropetrovsk State University (now Oles Honchar DNU) in 2000. The topic of his candidate’s thesis is “Origin and early history of the city of Katerynoslav”. In 2003–2012, he was a teacher, associate professor of the Faculty of History of DNU named after Olesya Honchara.
Author and co-author of 10 books and about 350 scientific and popular science published works.
Conducts scientific research, scientific exhibition, scientific educational, and popularization work on topics from the history of local self-government of the region in the 15th – early 20th centuries. and 1991–2012.

Topics of scientific research:

Zaporizhzhya Sich is a Christian republic as a unique system of self-government;
Development of regional self-government in the imperial period of the late 18th – early 20th centuries;
Development of local self-government of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast in independent Ukraine 1991–2012.

Awarded with the Thanks of the Mayor of Dnipropetrovsk (2006, 2009, 2012).
Member of the board of the Dnipropetrovsk regional organization of the National Union of Local History of Ukraine (since 2008).
Head of the Working Group of the Dnipropetrovsk City Council Commission on Naming and Renaming of Streets, Lanes, Squares, Squares, Bridges and Other Objects in the City (since 2007).
Scientific interests include historical urbanism, local history, cultural studies, intellectual history, historical regionalism, historical toponymy, history of Southern Ukraine, in particular the city of Katerynoslav – Dnipropetrovsk.
Personal website:

Contact Information:
Address: Kirova Ave., 2
(0562) 744-13-46