Museum Studio “Living Clay”

The studio has been working in the museum since 1995. The goal of the studio’s work is to nurture a creative personality, combining the capabilities of one of the largest museums of Ukraine and the capabilities of the original ceramic industry. Such a combination makes it possible to overcome the formality of the museum collection, achieve the fact that it “talks” to the child, helps him feel the uniqueness and uniqueness of different historical eras.
In addition, this work is a unique opportunity to combine the values of national culture with universal values, drawing analogies between customs and fairy tales of our people, rites and plots of world mythology, thus illustrating the unity of all human cultures. Studying a museum object, the child gets an impetus for the development of imagination and imagination and creates his own, completely new image. So, for example, creating with the help of clay Polovtsian women (monuments of stone sculpture of nomadic tribes of the 1st millennium AD), children endow them with the features of Egyptian pharaohs, and our devil becomes similar to the ancient Greek Pan.
When conducting classes, permanent exposure, exhibitions, and exhibits that are in stock storage are used. The basis of the studio’s program consists of classes that characterize the historical era (Scythians, Polovtsians, Cossacks, peoples of the Ekaterinoslav region), and ending with journeys into space. The collection of our museum allows you to create classes on the basis of groups of exhibits, for example, weapons from the earliest times to the XIX century; means of transportation, etc.
Acquaintance with these exhibits is accompanied by fairy-tale and mythological material. Activation of children’s attention finds an outlet in working with clay, with the help of which images of heroes and objects of historical eras are created. Clay has many possibilities for embodying almost all the features and characteristics of various images, without restraining the child’s creative activity.
I would like to mention one more aspect of the studio that was revealed during its work. Parents’ interest in children’s works often turns into creative cooperation. Parents create works together with children. In this way, mutual trust and respect is born. In addition, both children and parents make up a small but grateful museum audience.
The relationship between the museum and the child, the influence of museum knowledge on the intellectual and emotional level of children contributes to the harmonious development of the personality, the increase of national self-awareness, the education of the future museum visitor – educated, thoughtful, interested.
Head of the studio: Ivleva Svitlana Volodymyrivna
Tel. for information: (0562)46-34-22

Source: The museum and the visitor: methodological developments, scenarios, concepts. — Dnipropetrovsk: ART-PRESS, 2005. — 148 p.