Mykola II Oleksandrovich Romanov

Biography: people. May 6, 1868, Tsarske Selo — died on the night of July 16-17, 1918, Yekaterinburg. 14th Russian emperor. Son and successor of Alexander III. The reign of Nicholas II was marked by the economic development of Russia and, at the same time, the growth of social and political contradictions in it, the revolutionary movement that resulted in the revolutions of 1905-1907 and 1917, in foreign policy – expansion to the east, Russia’s participation in blocs of European states, contradictions between which led to the war with Japan and the First World War. Nicholas II abdicated after the February Revolution of 1917. Russia soon entered the period of civil war. Shot with his family in Yekaterinburg. Because of the events in Khodynka and January 9, 1905, he was nicknamed Bloody by many. Canonized by the Church Abroad in 1981 and by the Russian Orthodox Church as a martyr in 2000.

Record: Nikolai. 1915.