“Maslian” holiday

Shrovetide, Masnytsia, Shrovetide, Syropust, Kolodiy, Kolodka, Yamnytsya, Syropustny week, Meatless week, Midwife’s holiday, Letting, Cheese letting, Nizhkovi zagovyny – the names of the same national holiday, which we celebrate with you from February 28 to March 6 of 2011. This year, the Historical Museum decided to join the general popular upsurge, which is usually observed during the oil week, and offer its celebration program.

On March 5 and 6, a craft fair will be held near the museum.
The art event called “Masliana near the Museum” will start on March 6 at 1:00 p.m. In addition to interesting stories about the Ukrainian folk tradition of the celebration of the oil festival by the museum staff, the following will take part in the holiday program: the vocal group “Kodachanochka”, the school of martial arts “Spas-Sturm”, the branch of the International Federation of Fighting Hopak, the vocal group of the Ukrainian center “Rodoslav”, the ETHNODRIVE movement, A creative association of re-enactors, a master class from the “KaDance” dance school, and at the end of the holiday, the “Elements” fire theater will spectacularly burn the effigy of Shrovetide.

Information and discussion of the holiday at the museum forum